Friday, August 19, 2011

Some of my poetry

I thought I would share a few of my poems. See below.

Every Day

Every day,
when I am reminded of your gentle eyes
and warm hands,
I make a small paradise for you
here in my heart.

Walk through my open door dearly beloved;
step into my arms and join me in the Holy Dance.

Every day
that we fly our carpet over the heartbeat of the Earth,
searching for answers to old pain,
healing each other's wounds,
I am drawn to you like
the humming bird to the first flower of spring,
sipping the sweet nectar
that is our friendship.

There are not enough
nor holy places
to tell you the full Joy I feel in your presence.

Yet, the mystery of our friendship
must not be constrained
by the content of some exalted verse,
 bottled as a rare perfume,
nor knotted into some colorful ancient Tapestry
just because my poem might want it so.

No, we are blessed, you and I,
that God
has put limits on my speech
so I cannot bind up
that which should be boundless.

by Tom Snell        

Granddaughter at Six

                                    Granddaughter at Six

I sit
with my Granddaughter in my lap
while she opens my chest
and removes my heart,

then holds it gently
in her small hand
as though it were a Monarch
about to take flight.

“I love you Gramps”, she says
as my soul
quietly melts
into God’s arms.

By Tom Snell, Jan 28, 2000
Revised May, 2005



Falling off last night’s dream
I wanted to be caught by the thickening air,
like my hand out the car window
speeding down the interstate.

The chickadee near my garden feeder
does this instinctively. She
steps off the branch,
 – drops –
instantly gains speed,
wings catching the denser air

But I must learn it again and again,
letting go to falling,
 – trusting –
becoming so hollow-boned
that I can extract the weight of doubt,
lightening my soul enough to fly.

                    by Tom Snell – February 11, 2005

California Garden

California Garden

The heavy gray of winter had lingered
so I had not noticed the cascades of color
the spring rains had brought to my garden.

But this morning the flames from
the wild rose, burning its way
to the top of the tree beside our house,
woke me for the first time.

In a daze I slipped out onto the deck
and was greeted by a wall of blossom.
The eager petals reached out their scent and,
like a small child wanting to show off a new toy,
pulled me, gasping,
round the corner
and into the astonishment of summer.

by Tom Snell- May, 2005

Monday, August 8, 2011

Issues around the Federal Government's budget deficit.

These days we're yelling and screaming about the government's budget deficit, and how this is the fault of our congress persons. But much of the problem is also with us. We have wanted (and need) all sorts of things but don't want to pay for them. When anybody suggests that we ought to raise taxes to pay for our wars or infrastructure, or the services we so rely on as a complex culture, we (especially the Corporations and the ultra-wealthy) scream bloody hell and kick out the one who suggested raising taxes in the first place. 
It costs a lot to live in a complex world, and much of that cost comes from the things we need to keep that complexity within bounds. Examples: food inspectors, flight controllers, airplane inspectors, bank and wall street regulators to keep them from gambling away our money, all the complexity of Homeland Security, and the list goes on and on. Add that to the costs of all the complex infrastructure (roads, sewers, airports, water systems, etc.) that keeps our modern economy running smoothly and you’ve got a lot of bucks. But we hate paying for it. We’ve taken on a mindset that everything "government" is bad. It’s not. It just has to be run right. 
Example: I don’t want to have to buy some fancy science kit with which I can test every toy I buy for my grandchildren for lead content. I want some common organization I can trust to do it for all of us.
I could go on and on, but enough for now.